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Search Content Workflows...

Search Content Workflows...

Analyze Quality Rater Guidelines for your Page

Analyze your Articles against Google's Quality Rater Guidelines using AI

Search for Similar Keywords

Find semantically related keywords and get search volume and competition. Jonathanboshoff.com

Automated Reverse Silo SEO

Automate the process of finding relevant supporting articles on your website to boost a target landing page ranking.

GSC Queries By Page

Pull GSC data table in Queries By Page format

Content Funnel Segmentor

Segment your site content into bottom, middle, or top of funnel.

SEO Page Perfector

Creates a longer, more optimized, more informative, and more information dense page vs a competitor.

Listicle Writer

Generate listicle articles (ex. top X tools for Y) for products and services.

Keyword Cannibalization Analysis

Inspired by Jean-Christophe implementation: https://www.jcchouinard.com/seo-cannibalization-analysis

Claude Journalist Content Workflow

4-staged app to create rich journalistic content.

Automate Product Description Generation at Scale

Optimize your Ecommerce Store Product Listings by Automating the Process of Writing SEO product descriptions using AI.

Site-wide Blogs Topic Clustering

Implement site-wide topic clustering for your blogs using semantic clustering.

Matt Diggity EEAT

This video automated into an app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_B3ryglQJc. Jonathanboshoff.com

Keyword Auto-Optimizer (GSC)

Semantically optimize pages for keywords using N-grams and AI!

Find First-Hand Experience

Source Experience and Expertise in one minute!

Create a Topical Map using AI

Create a Detailed Topical Map to improve your Topical Authority using AI

Find Guest Posting Opportunities using AI

Find Guest Posting Opportunities in your Topical Area using AI

Check SERP Similarity

Check the similarity of search results

Using AI to Generate SEO Schema Markup at Scale

Use AI to Generate Search Schemas reliably for your website pages at scale.

Brand & Audience Planner

Review topics based on brand and audience alignment. Jonathanboshoff.com

SEO Blog Writer with Information Gain

Generates blog posts with unique information

Brainstorm Meta Titles & Descriptions

Steve Toth's ultimate title tag guide - automated! - SEOnotebook.com

Generate SEO Content Briefs at Scale using AI

Generate SEO Content Briefs at Scale using AI that include EEAT Opportunities, Competitor Analysis, and a Detailed Heading Structure.

Automate Internal Linking using AI

Automate Internal Linking using our Free Tool. Inject Relevant Internal Links Naturally throughout your Blog Posts at Scale.

Brand Content Guidelines Generator

Generate content writing guidelines based on 3 provided sample posts and your homepage.

Analyze EEAT Using AI

Check your Page's EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) Metrics using AI