Function Details

Text Analysis

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Uses the Google Natural Language API to analyze a piece of text and extract information about it in a structured JSON format.


Given the following piece of text:

Google, headquartered in Mountain View (1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 940430), unveiled the new Android phone for $799 at the Consumer Electronic Show. 
Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones

This function will output information about the text in the following format:

  "entities": [
    {"name": "Google", "type": "ORGANIZATION", "salience": 0.18886299431324005},
    {"name": "Mountain View", "type": "LOCATION", "salience": 0.17920063436031342},
    {"name": "Android", "type": "CONSUMER_GOOD", "salience": 0.14206703007221222},
    {"name": "Sundar Pichai", "type": "PERSON", "salience": 0.10975376516580582},
    {"name": "phone", "type": "CONSUMER_GOOD", "salience": 0.09722497314214706},
    {"name": "users", "type": "PERSON", "salience": 0.08834461867809296},
    {"name": "Amphitheatre Pkwy", "type": "LOCATION", "salience": 0.07451575994491577},
    {"name": "CA 940430", "type": "OTHER", "salience": 0.05068293213844299},
    {"name": "keynote", "type": "OTHER", "salience": 0.029002878814935684},
    {"name": "phones", "type": "CONSUMER_GOOD", "salience": 0.0246114581823349},
    {"name": "Consumer Electronic Show", "type": "EVENT", "salience": 0.015732960775494576},
    {"name": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA", "type": "ADDRESS", "salience": 0.0},
    {"name": "$799", "type": "PRICE", "salience": 0.0},
    {"name": "940430", "type": "NUMBER", "salience": 0.0},
    {"name": "1600", "type": "NUMBER", "salience": 0.0},
    {"name": "799", "type": "NUMBER", "salience": 0.0}
  "categories": [
    {"name": "/Internet & Telecom/Mobile & Wireless", "confidence": 0.5899999737739563}
  "sentiment": {"magnitude": 0.5, "score": 0.20000000298023224}
